Start Your (FREE) Popcorn Fundraiser [NOW] Submit your info to start your fundraiser. You Qualify for Popped Perfectly Popcorn Fundraiser!Up to 50% Profit - (No) money down - 2 week fundraiserGroup Name* What are you raising funds for?In-Person or Virtual FundraiserIn-Person brochuresVirtual Online Fundraiser (max 40% Profit)40% Max profit for virtual/online fundraiser.Date to start Fundraiser* MM slash DD slash YYYY This is a 2 week fundraiser. Final Order is two weeks from this date. Please allow 7 days for delivery of order forms.Your Name* First Last How many people will be selling popcorn?* Mobile Phone*expect a text to verify your shipping addressShipping Address (No PO Box) for Popcorn and order forms and profit check.* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code No PO BoxesEmail* Please add a free donation portal to my popcorn fundraiser! (You earn 70% profit on all donations) Yes, please! (Double my profits) No, I don't want 2 times the profit... By clicking, I accept the following:* I understand Popcorn profit is based on bags sold: 100 min, in-person profit: <250-30%, 250-500=35%, >500=40%, 1000+=50%. Online Profit = 40% Max. Shipping Fees Apply.