Fundraising with Entertainment Coupon Book

Top Merchants That We Work With

Entertainment Book is one of the most popular fundraising tools and benefits all types of organizations. During the last year, more than five million books were sold by over 10,000 organizations all over the world. An entertainment book contains hundreds of valuable offers fro the best restaurants, theaters, attractions and sports events in the area.…

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Fundraising with Discount Cards

Discount Fundraising card

Looking for ideas for fundraisers? You’re not the only one. Every group is searching for easy fundraisers that produce big results. Well, selling fundraising discount cards is one of the best fundraisers around. Discount cards deliver considerable revenue for your group at $10 each. They usually produce average sales of 10 units per seller. Coupled…

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Fundraising Tips – The Follow-Up

Discount Fundraising

The key to continued fundraising success is to follow-up afterwards: Supporters and participants need to be thanked. Merchant contributors need to be debriefed on their results from participating. Records need to be gathered, copied, and stored. Communicate the results to everyone involved. Informing everyone who took part in your most recent fundraising is of utmost…

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Fundraising Sales Secrets

How do you maximize your fundraising sales? Here are some fundraising sales tips from my book,Fundraising Success! 1- Emphasize setting a personal challenge goalHave sellers make a commitment to be their group or sub-group’s best salesperson. Structure their sales efforts to emphasize achievement, not failure. 2- Have sellers state their solo goal out loudBy publicly…

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Fundraising Successfully

School budgets are short. Cities even need help. On top of that, there are all sorts of organizations that are looking to make some extra money to help fund them. Fundraising is the perfect thing to do just that. If you are looking for some remarkable method of fundraising to turn your school or organization…

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Fair Trade Fundraisers

Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Organizations everywhere are starting to see the benefits of staging certain types of fundraisers. As you may have discovered through trial-and-error, some fundraisers are simply more successful than others. We all want to raise as much money as we can for our respective organizations, but there are times when we ought to give pause to…

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Elementary School Fundraisers

Perhaps nothing matches the enthusiasm and zeal of elementary school children. This carries over to elementary school fundraising events where young students strive to complete every assigned fundraising chore with determination and dedication. Teachers and parents participate and guide the children to ensure their hard work is successful and raises a lot of money. Candy…

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