[Top] 10 Popcorn Fundraiser Companies Ranked
The popcorn fundraising companies below are the top companies on the internet.
The most equal way we found to compare them was to figure out the profit made on $1000 in total sales.
So ranked in order of profit dollars earned per $1,000 in sales, here are the top 8 companies:
Do You Qualify for a Popcorn Fundraiser?
Popcorn Fundraiser Ranked by Profit
Rank Company Profit Margin Profit/$1,000 in sales
8. Deanan 40% $100-250
7. Fundraising Zone 50% $250
6. Poppin Popcorn 50% $300
5. Popcornopolis 50% $370
4. Just Fundraising 40% $400
3. Double Good 50% $401
2. Popcorn Fundraising 50% $425
1. Popped Perfectly 50% $500
We found that Popped Perfectly offers a (True) 50% fundraiser because they offer Free shipping, where no other company offers free shipping.
Other fundraisers are offering the profit margins before shipping charges are added at the time of order.
Do You Qualify for a Popcorn Fundraiser?
Other ways the companies differ are on the sizes of the bagged popcorn.
Here are the rankings in order of price/ounce:
Rank by Price per Ounce
Rank Company $/oz.
8. Popcorn Fundraising $1.83
7. Deanan $1.43
6. Fundraising Zone $1.14
5. Double Good $1
4. Just Fundraising $.91
3. Popcornopolis $.83
2. Poppin Popcorn $.67
1. Popped Perfectly $.67
Poppin Popcorn and Popped Perfectly have 1 gallon bags for $16 each for the lowest cost per ounce of any popcorn fundraising company.
Ease of use and delivery is a huge issue for school popcorn fundraisers.
There are other ways to qualify popcorn fundraising companies beyond price and profit.
The following list offers other ways to make this years’ popcorn fundraiser the most successful.
Rank Company Sorted? Free Shipping? Online? Free Start?
8. Deanan No No No No
7. Fundraising Zone No No No Yes
6. Popcornopolis No No No Yes
5. Poppin Popcorn Yes No Yes Yes
4 Popcorn Fundraising Yes No Yes Yes
3. Double Good Yes No Yes Yes
2. Just Fundraising No Yes Yes Yes
1. Popped Perfectly Yes Yes Yes Yes
Popped Perfectly turns out to not only have the highest profit and lowest cost per ounce of all popcorn fundraisers, but also has the most to offer in bonus features.
Each School Popcorn Fundraiser has different offerings, but there are popcorn fundraisers that have more to offer.
Make the most of your school fundraiser this year and maximize your school fundraising.
Start Your Popped Perfectly Fundraiser (NOW)
Start Your (FREE) Popcorn Fundraiser [NOW]
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